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Army also shouted in unison : to kill the Tartars,burberry outlet, for the villagers to take revenge. Shang Yi nodded and said : Okay, now fired. After leaving Yangzhou Shi Kefa, Shang Yi also immediately proceed with arrangements for JAC furnished. (: Http :/ /) 00ks.com bubble * ( ) Although nike free run in theory, now belong to the jurisdiction of the entire northern Shang Yi, but in fact only the actual control area south of the Huaihe River, east of the Dabie Mountain area. Including Fengyang, Luzhou, Chuzhou, state, Yangzhou and Huai'an six House.

The rest of the place,burberry usa, still in the hands of the Qing, but also than the Shang Yi now control nearly half in Zhejiang Province. The Shang Yi also made ​​arrangements ordered Liu Zeqing stationed Fengyang, Liu Zhaoji nike outlet stationed in Luzhou. To enter stationed in Yangzhou, Huai'an Luoyuan Bin stationed. Which is controlled by the merchant Army Huaidong region, the Ming army took over the Huai River region. Shang Yi also bite because now swallow whole Jianghuai area, another main battlefield in this war Huai River, the area around the destruction of these very serious, and kept the army Yu businesses Yangzhou, Huaidong basically not hurt, but as Gao Qing southward again later, HuaiXi still the main battlefield, so Shang Yi only second best, just put Huaidong region included their first actual control.

On the other hand this over two months since the military business in Yangzhou,burberry bags, Huai'an people also established a preliminary basis, help businesses to establish the rule of the military base where the speed. Yangzhou prefecture north shore of the estuary of the Yangtze River, across the river with the Suzhou government, and now the government actually can be considered Suzhou Shang Yi 's sphere of influence, and now the southern, northern areas which are basically considered two link up. But the Army did not fully occupied businesses throughout Huaian, but controls the south of the Yellow River region, most parts of Huaian, and are still under the control of the Qing, but due to the new Qing defeat, and now this area the control base is very weak, so Shang Yi 's next goal is to ride the Yellow River, Lunan campaign launched to collect the entire Huaian, open link JAC and Shandong.

